Friday, April 11, 2014

The PS VITA Should Have More Fantasy RPGs

The PS VITA was released with a promise that it would deliver a hardcore gamer's experience on-the-go. Releasing lengthy RPGs like Ys: Memories of Celceta, Disgaea 3 (read the review here), Persona 4 etc. But frankly, there's just not enough of RPGs out there for the VITA.

When I say that there are not enough RPGs, I don't mean Persona or Mind-Zero. I'm looking for the kind of RPG that takes me somewhere out of this world. Somewhere that'll make me want to explore the environment. A fanatasy setting that doesn't exist in the real world. The types of RPGs that takes me to different towns, where ugly monsters dwell, where it looks semi-medieval. Sort of. 

Don't get me wrong. Persona 4 Golden is one of the more excellent RPGs released for the VITA and I'm enjoying it (a review coming soon) as I'm writing this post, but High School students with special powers just aren't my cup of tea. Yes, P4G has the basic turn-based gameplay, and crafting and grinding elements that are present in most RPGs but there's just that missing element that makes it into a REAL RPG. And I mean Old-school type RPGs where you go on an adventure meet different people from different races like elves and orcs, that kind of thing. 

Games like Final Fantasy X and Grandia 3 were some of the best fantasy RPGs because they took you on a journey. Different settings, different characters, varying monsters, massive worlds to explore. It's these type of RPGs that need to be released more often for the VITA, not because the VITA needs it or anything. But because I feel that many people - even though they enjoy the RPGs released now - would like to see more fantasy-oriented games like Grandia 3 and Dark Cloud 2, two games that I'd definitely love to see being released for the VITA. 

What kind of fantasy RPG games would you like to see for the PS VITA? Comment below! 

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