Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why More MMOs Need To Have Asian Servers

One of the reasons I enjoy playing MMOs like Loadout or Hawken is because of the presence of an Asian server. And no, it's not just because I get a great connection on all of my games. I enjoy playing those 2 games in particular solely because the developers were smart and generous enough to include a dedicated Asian server. An Asian server is what's lacking in MANY online games nowadays and the reasons why developers don't just make Asian servers are totally understandable.

Firstly, Making and maintaining servers - especially dedicated servers - take Time and Money. Time and money that could better be saved and earned through the already-running EU/US/AU dedicated servers that seem to be the expected norm in most online games. 

Secondly, A lot of Asian gamers out there unfortunately don't have access to an internet connection that can match US or UK speeds. Unless maybe, if you're in Korea, Japan or HK. There only a few select countries where gamers can have a fast, stable connection to play on these overseas servers. Every time I want to play Tera (There's no Asian server so Asia players have no choice but to play on EU server) I hate the constant afterthought that everyone I'm playing with in Tera can enjoy a smooth stable PVP session or a BaM (big ass monster) hunt session while I , quiet literally, lag behind with a 250-300ms (If I'm lucky) of ping. 

Lastly (among the reasons I could think off the top of my head), Most of the MMOs that come from the Asian countries, mainly Korea gets sent out to publishers who present those games to South-East Asia region and/or other regions like China. Now you might be thinking "Well, why don't you just play in China then?". Well the thing is, China is the most populated country IN THE WORLD, They're bound to have a millions of people who want to play games there. This means, that most - if not all - online games in China are for China ONLY  simply because if they allowed the entire Asia region to join in, their servers would always be overloaded and you' be stuck queuing up for hours on end just to play. 

So if there are MMO providers for SEA region of the same game (ex: Dragon Nest, Lost Saga) Why don't the SEA and Asian gamers play there? Because the providers of the SEA region games make the game so mindlessly full of grinding and where everything you do takes TOO DAMN LONG that nobody sees the point of playing that game in the first place. And if you want anything to go faster, Of course, you have to pay. This is entirely true for one of my favorite games, Lost Saga. And to an extent, also true for Hawken. 

Developers of international online games should include Asia servers to their games. Countries in the Asia region have some of the fastest developing countries in the whole world which means and sooner or later, we'll be having internet connections that can compete with US or EU speeds. Opening Asia servers will introduce MMOs to MUCH MORE PLAYERS. And as a result, much more revenue for the developers too!

I'm so glad to hear games like Hawken and Loadout realize the value that Asian gamers can bring to their games. It shows that the developers aren't greedy, it shows they want everyone to be able to play the game for the sake of playing the game. How can you call your MMO an International MMO when you have US, EU, UK, Oceania servers but not Asia? That's just ridiculous. Hawken and Loadout should be the kick-starters of a new trend in online gaming. A trend where having a dedicated server for the Asia region will be the norm. 

Please share this article so everyone will know! and Comment if you agree with my points! 

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